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Will Cloning Yourself Become A Reality With in 100 Years?

by Raul Buman

One of the more controversial issues facing modern society is cloning. There are benefits, but also serious ethical questions to consider. The state of medical science makes it seem likely that the opportunity to clone people will be available before the end of the century. Animal cloning has been practiced for decades and unexpected problems have presented challenges. Translating the technical and ethical details to humans will present even more challenges.


As researchers discover more about health and wellness, they form new theories about care and test them. Every year, new and more effective treatments are found for a growing number of physical issues. Doctors are able to put more names on specific illnesses as they discover the mechanism for the condition. Understanding the cause is one of the keys for developing treatment options. Improved access to cloned organs is gaining popularity as a medical resource.

Since animal cloning has been available for years, and human medical science is advancing at a faster rate, it makes sense that the process could be available within 100 years. Some people see science moving this direction and feel they are getting into an area that they are not prepared to explore. Considering the unexpected mutations in the genes of cloned animals, there is significant risk of things going horribly wrong in human cloning.

However, this is still one of the most popular areas of research for scientists and medical professionals. There has been a lot of attention given to the controversy over the use of stem cells and the chance to grow replacement tissue genetically identical to a patient’s. While this creates the opportunity to replace diseased or damaged tissue, it opens the door to the possibility of an expansion of this type of treatment. The ethical questions of how to make sure the technology is only used ethically presents problems.

Many doctors believe stem cells could help cure several diseases as they have excellent potential for growth. This is where those who want to supervise medical professionals offer resistance. Suggesting that it is possible to grow replacement tissue is getting dangerously close to justifying the opportunity to clone a human so people have a source of spare parts.

The conversation regarding how this will affect humanity must be addressed and some say it should be strictly off limits. The medical community recognizes that human cloning is grossly unethical in its current state.

Doctors claim that care will improve so rapidly in coming years that soon people will live for 150 years. This means a lot of organs and tissues will wear out from use due to living longer than they are meant to. Another issue that will complicate the matter even more is that a lot of people will be interested in having a clone as an assistant.

When the technology is available and all the problems and challenges are solved, there will be some people who are willing to pay to be cloned no matter how much it costs. However, there is a lot of research left to do. The idea of creating life when the possibility of mutation exists, will prevent legitimate medical professionals from trying. Even the slightest chance of a mutation is too great for cloning to be considered an option. Cloning will be possible, but too risky, even in the next 100 years.

Fighting Addiction with Science

by Raul Buman

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) – a leading government-funded research center- addiction is a complex illness made up of different components. While an addict may start out by voluntarily taking their drug of choice, when they do so over and over again, they may soon be unable to resist the urge to take the drug.

Part of the reason why an addict becomes compelled to take their drug of choice is because the reward pathways in their brains become physically altered after repeated drug exposure. Alterations in the brain-reward pathway make it much harder for the addict to gain pleasure from experiences other than taking the drug. Therefore, addicts may keep taking their drug of choice in order to try to gain pleasure from something.

Other brain pathways that are hurt by repeated drug exposure are pathways that are involved in making good decisions. With repeated drug use, it may become harder for an addict to resist impulses of all kinds. They may engage in risky behavior in order to obtain their drug of choice, and they may find it very difficult to resist the urge to take the drug. They may even be unable to stop themselves form taking their drug of choice, even though doing so may compromise their relationships or their career.

Because addiction is a complex disease, the treatment is equally complex. Research from NIDA provides clear insight into which treatments work to get addicts to stop using and to prevent them from relapsing. First, just going to a rehab facility and detoxifying by itself is not enough. Getting clean is only the very first step in beating addiction. A good rehab facility focuses not only helping people through the hard physical withdrawal from a drug, but also on all the psychological factors that played into their addiction in the first place.

Good rehab will include both medication and psychological treatment. A combination of both treatment types help addicts stay on the path to recovery. Medication can help ease the physical symptoms of withdrawal, but may also be used to help an addict beat their cravings and regain control over their lives. Medication by itself, however, rarely works unless the addict is able to understand the situations and/or ways of thinking that led them down the path to addiction in the first place.

Behavioral treatment helps addicts change the way they think about their lives and their addiction. Behavioral therapy may include cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps addicts examine the way they think and behave in certain situations where they are most likely to use drugs, and to give them different ways to think and confront those situations so that they are able to better deal with the cravings and situations that are most likely to lead to relapse.

According to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 23.1 million people over the age of 12 needed treatment for an addiction of some sort. Of those who needed treatment, only 10.8 percent actually received treatment at a rehab facility. Of those who did not seek treatment, a full 94.6 percent did not seek treatment because they did not feel that they needed it. The research doesn’t lie. Please, if you need help, seek it. A good rehab facility may save your life and your family.

The Science Behind Teen Addiction

by Raul Buman

When thinking about addiction, a lot of people think it is a personal problem. Sadly, this way of thinking has caused a lot of people, young and old, to think negatively and avoid the issue. However, there is a science behind all of it and a person who understands this can help his or her children avoid issues. With this in mind, here is a short guide to the science behind teen addiction.


Parents: Without a doubt, if a parent or both parents are addicts, the child will have a higher chance of becoming addicted. To minimize this, parents should avoid alcohol and drugs, especially while around their children. Think about it, at a young age, if kids see their parents drinking or doing drugs, they are likely to think it is okay. On the other hand, if you have children and avoid these activities while they are young, you will go a long way in setting a great example.

The older the better: Most people will start drinking at some age. Furthermore, most will try marijuana or other drugs. While this is okay when someone is older, it is wise to avoid this at a young age. Sadly, when a kid gets into alcohol or drugs when he or she is under 18, they have a higher chance of developing a dependency. The reason for this is simple. If your kid starts at a young age, he or she is likely to think the thought-process of using drugs and alcohol are healthy. For this reason, to prevent issues, you should watch your kids closely and do your best to prevent them from spending time around other people on drugs.

Peer pressure is real: Believe it or not, peer pressure is a real phenomenon. However, if you raise children in an intelligent manner and teach the how to say no, you can avoid most problems. In fact, if you have children, you should confront them at a young age and tell them the truth behind peer pressure. When your child has sufficient self-esteem, he or she is unlikely to cave in and do drugs or drink alcohol. Instead, when your kids have the right attitude and know when to say no, they will come home safely. At the same time, they will find it easier as adults to avoid substances as they will not come to rely on them to live their day-to-day life.

Can fix problems: If you have a child who is in trouble or does drugs, you can still help him or her. In the past, some people felt they could not fix a person with these problems. However, science has shown us that most people can fix their issues and go on to live a normal and happy life. This is true whether speaking about teenagers or people in their middle age years. For this reason, if you catch your child doing drugs or drinking, you should have an honest discussion with them and work with them to fix the problem in the long-term. Another option is looking into sober living house options for young adults. These can be great options for teens who need more supervision.

Teen addiction is a serious problem. With that being said, it is a fixable one, especially when parents want to get to the bottom of the issue. Either way, it is important for one to understand the full implications so they can make the best decision.

The Science of Psychology: An Overview

by Raul Buman

Psychology is the academic, scientific and professional study of human behavior and the mind. Formal psychological inquiry can be traced to as early as the fourth century B.C., when the Greek physician Hippocrates posited that mental disorders are of a physical origin rather than a divine one. Rooted in both philosophical and biological thought, psychology came into its own as a distinct science in the 1870s. Since that time, the field has grown immensely in both scope and influence. Today, psychology is a highly respected and diverse field.

Wilhelm Wundt and the Establishment of Psychology as a Distinct Science

In 1874, the German physician Wilhelm Wundt published Principles of Physiological Psychology. This publication foreshadowed the coming emergence of psychology as its own science distinct from biology. In 1879, Wundt established the first experimental laboratory for the study of psychological processes in Leipzig, Germany. This marked psychology’s beginnings as its own area of scientific inquiry.


Wundt’s work has been associated with the early psychological school of Structuralism. Structuralism sought to break complex mental processes down to their basic elemental components for the purposes of observation. The school employed a technique it called introspection to observe mental responses to the controlled introduction of certain stimuli. The Structuralist school was named and developed by Wundt’s student Edward B. Tichener who would diverge considerably from his teacher’s ideas.


Functionalism represents the first reaction against the tenets of Structuralism. Functionalist thought was heavily influenced by the work of William James and Charles Darwin. Functionalists sought to accurately systematize mental processes rather than merely identify and catalog them as the Structuralists had. Functionalist thought focused on the purposes of the various mental processes and emphasized individual differences rather than universalism. The two schools were rarely able to reach agreement on their basic approaches, and professional rivalry characterized their coexistence for decades.


Around the turn of the 20th century, the ideas of the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud began to take hold supplanting both Structuralism and Functionalism at the forefront of psychological theory. Freud’s school of Psychoanalysis relied heavily on the construct of the unconscious mind. Freud held that the unconscious mind is responsible for all human behavior. He subdivided the unconscious mind into the id, the ego and the superego assigning specific mental functions to each of these sub-constructs. Freud’s thought was adopted and expanded upon by many important psychological thinkers most notably the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.


In the early 20th century, John B. Watson established the Behaviorist school partially as a reaction to the dominance of Psychoanalysis in contemporary psychology. Behaviorism focused on measurable human behavior and eschewed unobservable internal processes. The Behaviorists held that human response to stimuli can be trained to be predictable through techniques of conditioning. Influenced by Ivan Pavlov’s celebrated experiments on the salivary responses of dogs, this school was famously championed by B.F. Skinner and others.

Humanistic Psychology

In the mid-20th century, psychologists Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers led the development of a new school of psychological thought. The Humanistic Psychology movement held that both Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism unnecessarily mechanize human mental processes and ignore the impact of free will. Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs formulates the basic Humanist view that people move toward a state of self-actualization.

Modern Psychology

While modern psychology incorporates elements of all of the historical schools, the tendency is toward eclecticism. It is understood that the nature of the mind yields a subject that is resistant to controlled study. Further, as long as the mind continues to evolve, psychology can only hope to, at best, remain an incomplete science. While detractors might claim this as a reason to dismiss its scientific validity, a more optimistic interpretation reveals a science with unlimited potential to grow. The school of thought can then be broken down and shared with the world better help and influence generations with different resources. For example, anger management psychologists can help individuals to break down the different layers of the mind to help them move forward in a positive direction.

The Science Behind Getting A Deep Tissue Massage

by Raul Buman

A deep tissue massage is much different than a normal massage. The massage therapist will work on the underlying muscles. This is unlike a regular massage, such as a Swedish massage. When you have a regular massage, the masseuse is only dealing with the superficial muscles. They are unable to correct muscle adhesions and fascia tightness.


The deep muscles, the ones that are located underneath the top layer of muscles, are the ones that cause most chronic pain. People with back problems, neck problems, and other painful muscle ailments are in need of deep tissue massage.

You will often hear people refer to muscle knots. Sometimes they will use the phrase muscle adhesions. What they are referring to are muscle fibers. These muscle fibers have become stuck together. They get tight and then your movement is restricted. It causes the muscle to become rigid.

In order for these knots to be broken up, the masseuse needs a strong massage table, one that can take the pressure of a deep tissue massage. to massage the secondary muscles. They apply slow and strong pressure. The actual movement is very similar to Swedish massage. The only difference is that the pressure is much stronger and there is a more intense focus on the tight adhesions.

With regular massage, the main benefits are the increase in lymphatic activity and a reduction in cortisol. Unlike a deep tissues massage, a regular massage is incapable of correcting chronic muscle problems.

Deep tissues massage is very popular with athletes and other individuals who have physically stressful jobs. They need to have their muscles worked on in a very intense manner. This is why professional sports teams have massage therapists on staff. The players will get massages frequently in order to prevent any serious injury.

Individuals who have desk jobs might also benefit from this intensive massage. When you sit at a desk for a prolonged period of time your muscles get tight. If you have improper posture this can exacerbate the situation. There are some people who even need to have the fascia, which is the web like material that encloses the muscle, worked on. The fascia can become tight and prevent the muscle from moving properly.

All of this deep tissue work is going to be slightly uncomfortable. A regular massage will feel good. A deep tissue massage will involve discomfort. This is because the knots need to be broken up using force. Many people feel sore after a deep tissue massage. It is very common to have to rest afterwards. The benefit to this type of massage is that it can remove painful muscle tensions.

If you are planning on getting a deep tissue massage, it would be wise to make sure the massage center specializes in this type of treatment. It is very common nowadays, so it should not be difficult to find one. However, some spas only offer Swedish massage or other forms of relaxing massage. What you are going for is a therapeutic massage. It is also a good idea to mention up front what areas you are having discomfort with. It can take a long time to work out the knots and muscle adhesions. This way the massage therapist knows exactly where to begin.

Looking Beyond the Textbook: Science in Everyday Life

by Raul Buman

Too many people think of science as this boring subject that they once had to take in school. Perhaps they did well, or perhaps they did poorly, but all that accompanies the idea of science and the study of the world is a sense of irritation and passivity. The truth is that science extends far beyond the textbook and the classroom, and it is worth looking at the science of the world around you!


Do you have a dog? If so, you are looking at the direct descendent of the first wolves that came out of the dark and formed tentative alliances with humans. Each dog, from spoiled Dalmatian to happy Pitbull to tiny Chihuahua at some point in its ancestry had a wolf that was a little drawn to humans, a little interested in being fed, and played with, and loved.


Every day, we hear words like oil-shortage and rising gas prices, but where do oil and its byproduct gasoline come from? Oil is something that scientists believe came from long dead organisms, the remains of which have been compressed, compacted and heated over a long period of time. Over hundreds or perhaps even thousands of years, oil is created mostly from small plants and tiny marine animals.


When people say that something is dull, they compare it to watching paint dry. As a matter of fact, the mechanism by which paint is deposited on a wall is surprisingly fascinating! Paint is a mixture of water, fixative and pigment. The water makes the paint fluid, the pigment gives paint its color, and the fixative holds it to the wall. The paint is applied, and as time goes on, the water leaches back into the air, leaving behind only the pigment and the fixative.

Ice Cream

If you have ever wanted to look and see the intersection of many different branches of science, look no further than ice cream! Ice cream is derived from milk, something that we would never have if we had not domesticated cattle tens of thousands of years ago. The science of converting milk to ice cream involves the creation of an emulsion, that is, the combination of two ingredients that would otherwise separate, but when a third agent is added, will instead blend. On top of that, ice cream also represents the technology that went into creating refrigeration, something that was seen as something of a miracle just 100 years ago.

Star Gazing

There’s a general idea that when you are looking at stars, you are looking at the shed light from hundreds or thousands of years ago. The truth is that while there are many stars that are quite old or even dead, there are stars that are only a few light years away, where a light year is the distance light travels in a year. Sometimes, the light that you are looking at is only between four and ten years old. That’s still quite a distance, but understanding this can make the universe seem just a little smaller in general.

Whether you are looking to reawaken an interest in the natural world, or you are thinking about helping a child discover his or her true passion, wake up and pay attention to the science that exists in the air you breathe!

The Science Behind Healthy Trim and Other Diet Supplements

by Raul Buman

Many people turn to diet supplements such as Healthy Trim when they are unable to lose weight with diet and exercise. There have been over one million Healthy Trim bottles sold. The reason that this supplement is so effective is because it contains ingredients that have been scientifically proven to help promote weight loss. Below are scientific explanations for why Healthy Trim is so effective for promoting weight loss:

Burn Fat

You can burn a lot of fat while you are exercising, but in order to get the best results, you will need to increase the amount of fat that you burn while you are at rest. Green tea extract is one of the key ingredients in Healthy Trim. Researchers have found that the polyphenols inside of green tea extract can help promote fat oxidation. Fat oxidation is a term that is used to describe the way the body uses stored fat as an energy source.

Resveratrol is an antioxidant that is found inside of Healthy Trim. It also helps promote fat burning. Scientists have found that Resveratrol can counteract the effects of a high-fat diet by helping the body use fat as an energy source.

Appetite Suppression

A big appetite can make it difficult for anyone to lose weight. One of the ways that Healthy Trim helps promote weight loss is by suppressing the appetite. This supplement contains an ingredient called Hoodia gordonii extract. Hoodia gordonii is a plant that is native to South Africa. People in Southern Africa have used this plant for several years to help treat problems, such as infections and indigestion.

In ancient times, South Africans would eat hoodia gordonii before taking a hunting trip to the Kalahari Desert to hunt. They found that eating this plant would help them suppress their appetite. Hoodia gordonni was patented in 1996.

Caralluma fimbriata extract is another ingredient inside of Healthy Trim that can help suppress appetite. It is native to India. A few centuries ago, Indians would eat this plant prior to going on a day’s hunt.

If your appetite decreases, then it will be a lot easier for you to reduce your calorie intake. You will not have to eat as much food to get full.

Increase Energy Level

Exercise is not only important for weight loss, but it also helps improve overall health. Many people do not exercise regularly because they do not have the energy to do so. Caralluma fimbriata has been shown to increase stamina. People who take Healthy Trim may be able to work out for a longer period of time, which will make it easier for them to reach their weight loss goals.

Healthy Trim has helped many people reach their weight loss goals. It is filled with natural ingredients that have been scientifically proven to work. Healthy Trim helps burn fat and suppress appetite. It can also help you increase your energy level, so you will be able to exercise for a longer period of time.

Lethargy and food cravings are two of the main barriers that keep people from reaching their weight loss goals. Healthy Trim helps people reach their weight loss goals by removing those barriers.

6 Most Influential Scientific Studies to Date

by Raul Buman

While it seems that anything that could possibly be discovered already has been discovered, science keeps proving that it is always changing as new discoveries are found every day. Recently, there have been six scientific studies, which have been quite influential and will impact the world a number of different ways.

Video Game Health Benefits
The first influential scientific breakthrough is that video games may actually be good for you. Video games have often been considered to be bad for kids and adults a number of different ways. However, recent studies have shown that they can develop problem solving skills, pattern recognition, and even teamwork. A recent study by the University of Rochester has also found that playing on a regular basis can actually improve your vision as well.

Easier Ways to be Vaccinated
The second influential scientific breakthrough is that there may be easier ways for someone to get vaccinated. Vaccines have always been very important tools that could be used to fight and prevent serious diseases. These have basically eradicated some serious illnesses, including polio and smallpox. While they are important, many people avoid them since they have to be taken through a needle. However, recent studies are finding that a vaccine may actually be able to be taken through a pill, which could make it much easier and allow people to take vaccines from home, as opposed to going to the doctor’s office.

Writing to Lose Weight
While there have been countless fat loss studies and theories over the past few decades, a new study may be showing that there is a very simple method that could greatly enhance your ability to lose unwanted body fat. A study completed by Weight Watchers has shown that people who write down what they eat every day have lost a considerable amount of weight compared to people that didn’t write it down. This is likely because it led to an increased feeling of accountability, which helped people prevent overeating.

Health Benefits in Candy
The third influential scientific study is a study that found that eating candy could actually have some health benefits. While candy is full of refined sugars and terrible for your teeth, there are many health benefits that come with it as well. One of the most significant recent health benefits found is that it could help to prevent cancer. A chemical component that is found in licorice has been linked to help prevent and even cure small cases of colorectal cancer, which is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.

Benefits of Caffeine
Recent studies have also concluded that caffeine can have some serious health benefits. While many are aware that it causes high blood pressure and anxiety, many are not aware that it is an antioxidant and can also help someone lose weight. As long as it is consumed and moderation and sugary soda is avoided, caffeine could actually be good for you.

Medicinal Marijuana
Another study that has influenced the world today is the group of studies that have found medicinal benefits in marijuana. This can include helping to reduce pain, helping with glaucoma, and helping those with anxiety to relax. These studies have led to the legalization of marijuana in many different states.

In conclusion, scientific studies are coming out every day that change the way that people view and act in the world. While there have been many studies that have come out in recent years, there are six studies in particular that have been quite influential.

Widely-accepted scientific theories which were once controversial

by Raul Buman

Science seeks to resolve questions regarding the natural world and universe by systematically testing and measuring observations. Scientific findings are said to be well-supported when the majority of known evidence corroborates them. Although scientific findings do not constitute philosophical truth claims, there are certain theories which carry with them extraordinarily large amounts of certainty. Even these “factual” theories, however, have been in the past met with much controversy when social progress has lagged behind scientific knowledge.

The Theory of Evolution

The theory of Evolution may be one of the most divisive, yet well-supported scientific theories in more contemporary times. One of the most famous instances in which this controversy reared its head was the Scopes Monkey Trial. This court case involved a school teacher being fined money for teaching evolution to the students in his class. Although the ruling was overturned on a technicality, the case is generally remembered as a reflection of the public controversy over Charles Darwin’s theory. Although immense amounts of evidence supports the theory today, such as knowledge of fossil record, genetics, and variation among species, evolution still remains a somewhat controversial topic in the United States.

Global Warming

More recently, the theory of global warming has been met with much political opposition. This opposition asserts that the notion that the current rising of the earth’s temperatures is largely a man-made phenomenon. Although the vast majority of scientists agree upon the nature and causes of global warming, the “controversy” over it has become a largely politicized one in contemporary times.

Heliocentric Theory

Controversy over scientific theory is hardly a new phenomenon. Even facts we take for granted today were once highly controversial when initially theorized by scientists. When Nicholas Copernicus boldly proclaimed that the earth revolves around the sun during the renaissance, his claims were met with much social resistance. Being that Copernicus’ claims were in conflict with those presented in the Bible, they were considered to be heretical at the time. Although his claims were eventually corroborated and expanded upon by Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, they were once an objects of great controversy.

The Big Bang

One particularly controversial theory is the Big Bang theory. This theory asserts that space, time and matter all came into existence simultaneously after originating from a single point. Creationists have argued that this theory is incomprehensible due to the idea that everything has a previous cause, and therefore, that something cannot come from nothing. The majority of theoretical physicists, however, have accepted the Big Bang as the prominent theory of the origin of existence, despite some questions as to how exactly it occurred. Being that time theoretically came into existence at the moment of this event, many scientists see no need to extrapolate a “cause” for the Big Bang.

Theory of Relativity

Although it was not widely accepted at the time of its conceptualization, Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is considered today to be one of the main pillars of modern Physics. The theory states that the way observers perceive amounts of objects is relative to their velocity at the time. This theory ultimately had major implications pertaining to the nature of space and time.

Techniques Impact Cardiovascular Health

by Raul Buman

Heart disease kills approximately 1 million lives every year. It is the number one cause of death for both men and women. Every 33 seconds someone dies of a heart related disease. The treatment for the different heart-related diseases has evolved over the years. Twenty years ago, open heart surgery was the only treatment for myocardial infarction or blocked coronary arteries. Then the angioplasty and stint surgeries were developed, making the treatment less invasive. Now a patient with angina or blocked coronary arteries has a totally noninvasive option for treatment.

EECP is a new noninvasive treatment utilized in medical centers all over the country. EECP stands for Enhanced External Counterpulsation. (www.myclevelandclinic.org). Medical centers that utilize EECP include the Cleveland Clinic, Beth Israel Medical Center, the Mayo Clinic, NYU-Langone Medical Center, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and many others. In these centers, it is primarily used on patients for which surgery is not an option. The treatment is FDA approved and covered by most insurances.

Developed by Sara Soulati, Global Cardio Care offers physician-managed outpatient centers that utilize the EECP treatment. The primary purpose of the Global Cardio Care centers is to treat, prevent, and reverse cardiovascular disease. They are located in Inglewood and West Los Angeles, Calif. and have been in business since 2002. EECP is part of the Sara Soulati Health For Life Program.

EECP therapy is a non-invasive therapy and involves no medications. Every patient must go through 35 hours of education and treatment. EECP pumps blood from the legs to the heart while the patient rests on a comfortable table or bed. The result is to improve circulation throughout the body. During the EECP treatment, cuffs that resemble blood pressure cuffs are wrapped around the patient’s calves, thighs, and buttocks. These cuffs are attached to hoses that are able to inflate the cuffs.

During EECP, the patient is hooked up to a heart monitor to synchronize the heartbeat and the inflation of the cuffs. When the heart is at rest, the cuffs inflate, compressing the blood vessels in the legs and buttocks. This action increases the return of blood flow to the heart, which reduces its workload. When the heart contracts, the cuffs deflate. One of the most positive results of EECP is the formation of collateral circulation. Collateral circulation is the formation of new, smaller blood vessels that are able to bypass blocked coronary arteries and deliver oxygenated blood to the heart.

The net result is improved cardiovascular function due to the delivery of more oxygen to the heart muscle. EECP is intended for patients who have angina, diabetes, and high blood pressure. It is also recommended for those who have suffered stroke, myocardial infarction, (heart attack), and other health conditions such as obesity, kidney failure, and any other condition that involves circulation. Patients who undergo EECP report having more energy and are able to resume a more active lifestyle. Cells require oxygen and nutrients for optimal function, and that is what EECP delivers.

New, noninvasive treatments for multiple diseases have been developed in recent years. One of the most exciting treatments is EECP. Its effects are far reaching and affect multiple organ systems. One of the most important is the cardiovascular system. The heart can be described as the master pump, directing the flow of blood to all organs, muscles and tissues, including the heart itself. In other words, the heart is responsible for its own maintenance and survival. If the coronary arteries that deliver life-giving substances to the heart become blocked, the very life of this master pump is in jeopardy.

That is where EECP comes in. It puts power in the circulatory system, aiding the heart in providing for other organ systems, as well as the heart. It is a prescription for health and life that does not involve the risks of invasive surgery. Sara Soulati and the staff at Global Cardio Care Centers understand the total body wellness that EECP provides. They seek to restore and maintain health for the whole person.